The FSSA Technical Committee reviewed the possibility of having an abort switch override a manual release for instances including:
- Disgruntled employee discharge
- Door Closure
- Damper Closure
- Power shunt
- In review of NFPA 2001 (2025 ed) 9.6 we noted the Manual Release shall override the abort. After a short review we aborted the idea of an abort switch override of the Manual Release function. We unanimously agreed that disgruntled employee discharge was not anything we can control and was not common.
- We also reviewed NFPA 2001 (2025 ed) 9.4.7shutting down supplementary equipment. This section is very non-descriptive and just says the devices for shutting down supplementary equipment shall be considered part of the system. We agreed to review the possibility of suggesting to NFPA the adding of language to this section for the door closure, damper closure, and power shut down. We asked the Technical Committee if anyone had any specific case scenarios that would require modification of the current standard. To date no one has commented.
- Time Delays are covered in NFPA 2001 (2025 ed) 9.7. Agreed this is sufficient language.