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Being a Member of the FSSA puts You in the Know

September 23, 2021 was a decision day for the EPA who made a final decision on the phase down on HFC’s. Throughout the entire process, our FSSA members were aware of the discussions and provided information to our members.  In fact, not only do we have members who regularly attend EPA related meetings, we have members sitting on or attending over 34 NFPA committees that may affect your business.  With the ability for codes to change every 3-5 years, and our members taking part in the discussions and providing reports, FSSA is well poised to be in the know.

This wealth of information is made available to the FSSA membership by providing access to written reports, technical meetings, webinars, and town hall meetings.

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FSSA Online Training Program - Enroll Today

FSSA Online Training Program - Enroll Today

The FSSA training program is offered as an online self-study program that is broken into four periods. The online training can be taken as a full course (all four periods), by period, or by individual course. The program consists of electronic courses focusing on industry products, procedures, practices, and systems. Completely online, the self-paced courses allow the user to work on the program from anywhere they like.

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Global Outreach Committee

Check Out FSSA's Global Outreach Committee 

FSSA's committees assist the board of directors and headquarters with programs and ideas to advance the organization's mission which is to promote, educate and grow the special hazard fire protection industry. The global outreach committee was established earlier this year to improve global awareness of the special hazard fire suppression industry.

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Save the Date AF40

FSSA is proud to announce the FSSA Annual Forum will return, in-person, to celebrate its 40th Anniversary. Plans to celebrate this milestone will include an excellent selection of educational sessions, dynamic speakers and the opportunity to connect with some of the best minds in the industry. Not to mention a few surprises sprinkled in!

Included in the lineup of events will be the Partner Expo as well as the increasingly popular presentation, Showcasing Your Most Challenging Applications. We welcome those who have served our industry for the last 40+ years, newcomers and all those in between to join us in celebrating. 

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Consultant/Specifier Member

Join FSSA as a Consultant/Specifier Member

How often are you speaking to or working on projects involving consultants/specifiers? Perhaps you're a Consultant/Specifier yourself. FSSA is proud to announce the addition of this membership type to the organization. 

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